Всем привет!
Don't forget there are two $5 gift vouchers to spend in Mo's shop to be drawn from the participating Dream Team Designers comments so... make sure you pop in and comment on everyone's post for the blog hop to be in with the chance to win!!!
Первый в этом году блог-хоп от команды Mo's Dream Team и мне не терпится показать вам свою открытку-валентинку для мамы. На каждое 14 февраля я дарю маме валентинки. Раньше покупала готовые, когда была маленькая, сейчас делаю свои))
У мамы есть кот Боня, кусучий зверь, но он безумно любит маму, гладит ее лапами по лицу, сидит на руках. повесив голову на плечо, если что-то не понравится может куснуть, но нас он кусает чаще, чем ее, поэтому Это любовь) А в работе использовала котяку Sinatra от Mo.
Hello there, thank you so much for coming hire from Lou's blog.
It's time for the first Blog Hop with Mo's Dream Team this year and I can't wait to show you my Valentine's day card as long as the theme is called Hearts. I've made this card for my Mom. I give her Valentine card every single year since I've been small.
My Mom has a Siamese cat named Bonya who is not very easy going with us but adores Mom with all his little heart. That's why I've decided to make a card using Sinatra image that fits my purpose perfectly.
Получилась круглая открытка с шейкером. Фразу "Это любовь" (TRU255) от Lesia Zgharda отштамповала на кальке, обвела белой гелевой ручкой и вырезала ножницами, выглядит как наклейка, так здорово.
This card is a shaker filled with sequins of various sizes. I stamped the phrase "This is love" in Russian onto a piece of vellum, traced with a white gel pen and then cut it out with my scissors, looks like a sticker, so cool effect.
Для фона я использовала мелкие сердечки от Lawn Fawn и клубок от Stampin' Up, сделала горячий эмбоссинг прозрачной пудрой мелкого помола от Ranger и затонировала дистресс чернилами Cracked Pistachio, Picked Raspberry. Сердечки и серединки пайеток украсила каплями объемного геля с блестками Nuvo Crystal glitter drops.
For the background frame I used little heart stamps from different Lawn Fawn sets and a ball of yarn from Stampin' Up very old wooden set. I heat embossed these images with clear super fine embossing powder by Ranger and then blended over it with Picked Raspberry and Cracked Pistachio distress inks. I also covered the hearts and sequins with Nuvo Crystal glitter drops
Не забудьте оставить комментарии в каждом блоге участников Блог-Хопа, чтобы иметь возможность выиграть сертификат на 5$ на покупки в маназине Мо, таких сертификатов будет два.
----------------------------------------Don't forget there are two $5 gift vouchers to spend in Mo's shop to be drawn from the participating Dream Team Designers comments so... make sure you pop in and comment on everyone's post for the blog hop to be in with the chance to win!!!

oh Olesya! this is just purrrrrrfect! I love shakers, they just make for so much fun and I love how you coloured the cat like your mum's.
ОтветитьУдалитьhuge hugs Lou xx
Thank you so much :)
УдалитьAwww, so sweet, your mum will love it!!
ОтветитьУдалитьHave a lovely day,
Hey there, my sweet friend!!! This is absolutely adorable!!! I love the colors and your coloring!! Your mom is going to LOVE THIS!!!!! Hugs, Pat Frank
ОтветитьУдалитьSo sweet, Olesya, and I love that this is a shaker card. Your mum's going to love it. x
ОтветитьУдалитьso cute great job!!!
ОтветитьУдалитьNot even your Mum will love it ;), I love it too!!! It looks FANTASTIC!!! Wonderful work!!!
This Truly amazing and that Kitty is stunning .. Love your colour Layout you have used
ОтветитьУдалитьI don't know if I've ever seen this image. It is so cute. I love the way you colored this kitty. The pink yarn is beautiful. Fabulous shaker card.
ОтветитьУдалитьStunning card hun xx Gaynor xx
ОтветитьУдалитьOlesya, that card is fabulous and the image oh so perfect most especially for your mummy! I love that this Valentine's card is for her, what a beautiful tradition you have! Shaker cards are so fun! I utterly love this joyful beautiful creation. Hugs, Wends xoxo
ОтветитьУдалитьOh wow, Olesya- stunning in every detail, blown away by your colouring!! Hugs, Juliexx
ОтветитьУдалитьStunning card 😊
ОтветитьУдалитьFab card Olesya, I love the colours ! Hellen xx
ОтветитьУдалитьBeautiful image and coloured so well, I just love it.x
ОтветитьУдалитьOlesya, your card is fabulous! I must admit I see this stamp for the first time!
ОтветитьУдалитьGorgeous card and awesome coloring, shaker element is also fabulous :)
ОтветитьУдалитьI have really enjoyed hopping along, so many wonderful creations ♥ Tindaloo
ОтветитьУдалитьBeautiful card, love this image and you have coloured him in fabulously, love all the detail xxx
ОтветитьУдалитьBeautiful card! Love the textures!
ОтветитьУдалитьThe creativity in this card is superb! Thank you for sharing your talent with us :)